Monstros do Monster Manual 2

ultimate_beholder_tyrantSaiu no portal EnWorld a alguns dias uma lista com todas as criaturas contidas no Monster Manual 2. Para os curiosos vou disponibilizar por aqui a lista em ordem alfabética. Tive o trabalho de adicionar o link para a imagem ou (se existir) preview das que já foram divulgadas pela Wizards of the Coast.

Abolethic Skum (ooze), Abyssal Evbiscerator (demon), Abyssal Marauder, Abyssal Rotfiend, Adamantine Dragon, Ambush Vine, Angels, Ankheg, Arbalester, Arctide Runespiral Demon, Aspect of Demogorgon, Assassin Devil, Barghests, Bebitith, Behir, Beholders, Berserker Prelate of Demogorgon, Black Pudding, Bladerager Troll, Blood Hawk, Bloodseeker Drake, Bloodseep Demon, Bloodthorn Vine, Bone Golem, Bonecrusher Skeleton, Bristle Spider, Bugbear Wardancer, Bullywugs, Centaurs, Centipede Scuttler, Chain Golem, Chaos Hydra, Chillfire Destroyer, Clay Golem, Cockatrice, Copper Dragon, Couatl Cloud Serpent, Couatl Star Serpent, Coure of Mischief and Strife, Cyclops, Dagon, Dark Mantle, Death Shard, Demogorgon, Devas Diamondhide Xorn, Dimensional Marauder, Dire Tiger, Direguard Assassin, Direguard Deathbringer, Djinn, Doom Flayer, Drakkoths, Dretch, Duergars, Dust Devil, Dweomer Eater, Earth Archons, Eladrin, Eldritch Giants, Erinyes, Fang of Yeenoghu, Fang Titan Drake, Fell Taints, Fey Lingerer, Firbolgs, Flame Shard, Flamespiker, Flesh Tearer Shark, Flux Slaad, Formorians, Frost Giants, Frost Hawk, Genasi, Geonid, Ghost Legionnaire, Giant Ants, Gnaw Demon, Gnolls, Gnomes, Goblin Acolyte of Maglubiyet, Gold Dragon, Goliaths, Gorechain, Devil, Grey Ooze, Grey Render, Green Slime, Greenvise Vine, Half-elves, Half-orcs, Herald of Hadar, Hero Slayer Hydra, Hobgoblin Fleshcarver, Horned Drake, Humans, Ice Troll, Infernal Armor Animus, Iron Dragon, Iron Golem, Kazrith, Kazuul, Exarch of Demogorgon, Kenkus, Krinshars, Lolthbound goblin, Maruts, Maw of Acamar, Misfortune Devil, Mudlasher, Myconids, Needle Demon, Neldrazu, Neogis, Nothics, Nycademon, Nyfellar Mammoth, Oni, Phase Spider, Phoelarchs, Phoera, Pod Demon, Podspawn, Poisonscales, Primordial Colossus, Prismatic Shard, Razor Hydra, Remorhaz, Retriever, Rime Hound, Rockfist Smasher, Runespiral Demon, Rupture Demon, Rust Monster, Scion of Gibbeth, Scytheclaw Drake, Shadar-kai, Shardstorm Vortexes, Shocktroop Devil, Shrieking Cultist of Demogorgon, Silver Dragon, Skeletal Steed, Slaad Spawn, Slaughterstones, Son of the Spirit Wolf, Sphinx Mystery, Spriggans, Steel Predator, Stone Giants, Stonefist, Defender, Storm Archons, Storm Shard, Stormstone Fury, Tempest Wisp, Thrarak, Exarch of Demogorgon, Tiger, Tomb Spider, Troglodytes, Troll, Vinespeaker, Umbral Sprite Swarm, Warforged, Water Archons, Wereboar, Weretiger, Werewolf Lord, Will-o-wisp, Windfiend Fury, Windstriker, Winter, Wolf, Winter Wolf Snowfang, Withering Devil, Witherlings, Wood Woad, Xorn, Yochlol Tempter.

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