Indicados ao ENnie 2009


ENnie AwardsO site oficial do prêmio ENnie divulgou a lista de concorrentes deste ano às suas 19 categorias, cuja votação terá início no próximo dia 24 de julho.

Melhor editora segundo os fãs
Para uma lista completa com os atuais indicados, acesse aqui. As indicações serão aceitas até a meia-noite do dia 19 de julho.

Melhor arte de capa
3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars, da Box Ninja
CthulhuTech, da Catalyst Game Labs
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, da Wizards of the Coast
Pathifinder Adventure Path #19: Howl of the Carrion King, da Paizo Publishing
Scion: Ragnarok, da White Wolf

Melhor arte interna
CthulhuTech, da Catalyst Game Labs
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook, da Fantasy Flight Games
HELLAS:  Worlds of Sun and Stone, da Khepera Publishing / Aethereal Forge
Mouse Guard, da Kunoichi/Archaia
Mutants & Masterminds, da  Wildcards

Melhor cartografia
ØOne’s Blueprints: The Great City, The Saltshacks, da ØOne Games
DCC53: Sellswords of Punjar, da Goodman Games
Modern Floorplans: Victorian Style  Mansion, da 12 to Midnight / Fabled Environments
Pathfinder Chronicles Second Darkness Map Folio, da Paizo Publishing
Star Wars:  Scum and Villainy, da Wizards of the Coast

Melhor escrita
The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, da Magnum Opus Press
Don’t Lose Your Mind, da Evil Hat Productions
Hot War, da Contested Ground Studio
Hunter Horror Recognition Guide, da White Wolf
Kobold Quarterly, da Open Design

Melhor valor de produto
Anima: Beyond Fantasy, da Fantasy Flight Games
CthulhuTech, da Catalyst Game Labs
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook, da Fantasy Flight Games
HELLAS:  Worlds of Sun and Stone, da Khepera Publishing / Aethereal Forge
Mouse Guard, da Kunoichi/Archaia

Melhores regras
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook, da Fantasy Flight Games
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Ed. Players Handbook, da Wizards of the Coast
Hunter:  The Vigil, da White Wolf
A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying, da Green Ronin
Starblazer Adventures, da Cubicle 7 Entertainment, Ltd

Melhor aventura
Pathfinder Adventure Path #19: Howl of the Carrion King, da Paizo Publishing
P1: King of the Trollhaunts Warrens, da Wizards of the Coast
Lands of Darkness #1:  The Barrow Grounds, da Expeditious Retreat Press
Purge the Unclean, da Fantasy Flight Games
The Rose Bride’s Plight, da White Wolf

Melhor monstro ou adversário
Dark Heresy Creature Anathema, da Fantasy Flight Games
Dungeons and Dragons 4th Ed. Monster Manual, da Wizards of the Coast
Freedom’s Most Wanted, da Green Ronin
Night Horrors:  Grim Fears, da White Wolf
Witch Hunter:  Grand Tome of Adversaries, da Paradigm Concepts

Melhor ambientação
The Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor, da Arc Dream Publishing
Hot War, da Contested Ground Studio
Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting, da Paizo Publishing
Slipstream, da Studio 2 Publishing
Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies, da Atomic Sock Monkey / Evil Hat

Melhor suplemento
CthulhuTech: Vade Mecum, da Catalyst Game Labs
Hunter:  The Vigil, da White Wolf
Dark Heresy:  Disciples of the Dark Gods, da Fantasy Flight Games
Scion: Ragnarok, da White Wolf
Star Wars: The Clone Wars, da Wizards of the Coast

Melhor acessório
D&D Insider, da Wizards of the Coast
Dwarven Sweatshoppe Dice Box
Hunter Horror Recognition Guide, da White Wolf
Kobold Quarterly, da Open Design
Mutants & Masterminds Deluxe GM Screen, da Green Ronin

Melhor produto de miniaturas
Neo Markers, da Alea Tools
E-Z Terrain: Cliffs and Mountains, da Fat Dragon Games
DU1 Halls of the Giant Kings Dungeon Tiles, da Wizards of the Coast
Game Mastery Flip-Mat:  Waterfront Tavern, da Paizo Publishing
Star Wars: Clone Wars Starter Set, da Wizards of the Coast

Melhor regalia
Art of Exalted, da White Wolf
Battletech: The Corps, da Catalyst Game Labs
Hunter:  Deadly Prey, da White Wolf
Planet Stories:  Infernal Sorceress, da Paizo Publishing
Worlds of Dungeons & Dragons, Vol. 2, da Devil’s Due Publishing

Melhor livro eletrônico
Blood of the Gorgon, da Open Design
Collection of Horrors:  Razor Kids, da White Wolf
The Death Mother, da One Bad Egg
Hard Boiled Armies, da One Bad Egg
Tales of Zobek:  An Anthology of Urban Adventures, da Open Design

Melhor produto gratuito
Battlerun, da Catalyst Game Labs
Hunter The Vigil Quickstart:  The Hunt, da White Wolf
A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplayng Quickstart, da Green Ronin
Swords and Wizardry, da Mythmere Games
Trial and Terror: SVU, da The Imagination Sweatshop

Melhor website
Critical Hits
Kobold Quarterly
Mad Brew Labs
Obsidian Portal

Melhor podcast
All Games Considered
Brilliant Gameologists
Order 66
Return to Northmoor
The Voice of the Revolution

Melhor jogo
CthulhuTech, da Catalyst Game Labs
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook, da Fantasy Flight Games
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, da Wizards of the Coast
A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying, da Green Ronin
Starblazer Adventures, da Cubicle 7 Entertainment, Ltd

Produto do ano
Dark Heresy:  Disciples of the Dark Gods, da Fantasy Flight Games
Don’t Lose Your Mind, da Evil Hat Productions
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Players Handbook, da Wizards of the Coast
Hunter:  The Vigil, da White Wolf
Mouse Guard, da Kunoichi/Archaia
Scion: Ragnarok, da White Wolf
A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying, da Green Ronin
Starblazer Adventures, da Cubicle 7 Entertainment, Ltd
Star Wars: The Clone Wars, da Wizards of the Coast
Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies, da Atomic Sock Monkey / Evil Hat

Os vencedores serão revelados em uma cerimônia marcada para 14 de agosto, na GenCon.


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